We've all done it, but we don't think about how much money you have. That's what our "money" is. For example...
Let’s say that your annual income (after taxes) was $5,000,000. How can you figure out how much money you actually need?
Well now, let me tell you... you don't have to worry about the answers to questions like this. My simple way is this…
Create a list of priorities. Then, look at everything on that list. Now, if you cut anything off that doesn’t make sense for your needs, then re-prioritize that.
This isn’t hard for one person. This sounds obvious, but I’ve found that many people try to do it without even realizing they need to or that their priority list looks something like this.
For example - you had no money to buy new clothes in January, so you should put aside money for clothes that fit your body type. You may want things that are tailored to your body type. Or you may be a little overweight and need exercise classes before the season starts full force. You want to keep away from fast fashion and low prices. And so much more.
If these priorities are hard to keep track of, the next time a friend asks “So, how much money do you have?” remember to ask yourself the same thing...
"How much money do I really need?"
Now you have one thing to work with: priorities.
How to Save Money For a year?
Start getting rid of unnecessary items, such as things you’ve gotten used to seeing and things that, and you will have less money. As time goes by, you will start getting rid of those non-necessary items, or at least not giving them the attention they deserve. After a few weeks, you will start to see a difference. Maybe a few thousand bucks.
If you really need something... maybe you'll just get a new outfit. A few hundred-fifty bucks more.
Ways To Save Money.
If you're looking for quick ways to reduce spending, sometimes you need to do some research first. These are some good tips to help you decide.
1-Make a List OF Things.
Make a list of every single thing you spend your money on. The number doesn’t matter. Just keep track of how much money you spend each day, week, month, yr. Then break it down by category.
2-Hire Financial Advisor
Have a financial adviser sit down with you for an hour a month. They will give you a set amount that will cover your expenses. Then, find out exactly what that means for you: is it going to grow in the next two months? Do you need any larger amounts? You'll also know which items you need to cut back and which ones you need to keep going.
3-Habit Of Savings.
It's easy to get into the habit of saving each month. But I would suggest that you just keep a cash register in your bank account (or create a separate savings fund so that you are able to set up automatic payments for purchases over a certain period of time). By following this simple formula you will avoid overspending, which you will eventually realize that you didn’t have to.
4-Put An Emergency Fund.
Sometimes you can save a lot of money, but only for a short period of time (sometimes you have an emergency fund). In times of emergencies, you want to pay off all those bills in small amounts. Otherwise, your credit score will worsen. Paying off all the things you took for granted (and have no idea what you're doing) will give you peace of mind, knowing that you’re prepared for any eventualities.
5-Check Your Balance
I used to believe that life was all we needed to survive. But time has shown us otherwise. Everything we take for granted today becomes worthless after a while. It’s wise to always balance your checks in the morning before you go to bed. Then you will always know exactly how much money you have when you wake up.
6-How To Save Money For A Trip.
I know people who save all their money in the car. On trips to the airport, there are several places that charge big fees and sometimes it gets expensive (toiletries, gas, food, etc.) so you want to make sure you have enough to cover those things too. I suggest keeping a spare dollar in your wallet in case something unexpected happens. If you use this you won’t need that extra cash next month.
7-Transfer Money Into Bank.
If your bank account is healthy, you are probably okay with having more than half your current income in cash (this makes an enormous difference to our finances). So you may feel like your money is growing. To see if that's true please check your banking statement.
8-Grow Your Money Slowly.
In my opinion, the only way to grow money is slowly. Especially in an emergency situation, you will need to cut out a huge part of your income. When you are happy your family. When you are sad it hurts. Life will teach you to appreciate the little things more. When you have more money it’s easier to live.
How to Start Saving Money.
But don’t be greedy, because you can still run out of money. Even if you just save 5% of your income. And when that extra money allows you to get what you’ve been missing all along you’ll be happier.
So this is how much money you were looking for. Don't get greedy. Be careful, and you will be closer to happiness.
Just like other aspects of yourself, you need to care for what is important to you. There are very few luxuries that don’t come with a price tag. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn't enjoy being happy while still making an income.
Tags: Save Money, Personal Finance.
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